Voices In Head – take your gut feeling seriously

Okay so lets say your gut feeling tells you its not a mental illness. And you have answered a list of questions as outlined in this post. Basically you have done some research before rushing off to some medical practitioner. You sense there is more to the story as there are other strange events in your life as well.

Good news or bad news if you can safely conclude on your own that its not some illness? Most likely bad news because then what the hell could it be?
Its best to hold off from going to that trusted specialist for a few weeks before considering other possibilities on your own.
Bad news could be its what is know as Voice to skull. Search online for the term
voice to skull harassment.

It just does not sound like a cool thing to have, honestly it does not sound legitimate enough, it does not sound main stream enough.
What’s more you will not be able to find and reputable info on the topic, no professional medical practitioner will talk about this.

So the question once again, who do you trust, some random website on the net or the nice family friendly specialist who drives a Volvo and loves pets?

You do not have to rush to any professional for help. You can arm yourself with more information.

More of the stuff that you must do are

  • Keep a record of what the voices are saying, if they are only saying bad things …
  • Notice any changes in you personal life and career, if its for the bad…
  • Take note of the rest of your health, Are there any pains else where…
  • Are there suddenly more strange events, stuff that you cannot make sense of
  • Take note of these as well, if there are strange events, write a log

If there is a number of strange events over weeks and months then how will prescription pills help out?

You want to talk to someone about all the strange events? Guess what the response will be, “get help”
You wan to get help, guess what the response will be: “Forget the internet. We need to increase your dosage and number of sessions”

Your gut feeling or that of the doctor? I would say put the doc on hold.
Read more about voice to skull and electronic harassment (google this). Do not be surprised to find there is no reputable source

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